Hi there everyone,

I just bumped into a problem where when I run the IPy.exe console
and execute a script that contains:

import wpf

all works well. However, when I want to import the wpf namespace into
the same script, but run outside the IPy.exe (i.e. as an embedded engine)
I get an error saying that the module wpf doesn't exist!

I even tried to add the IronPython.Wpf.dll into the PATH,
I tried referencing it in my script via clr.AddReferenceToFile,
nothing works and I don't have access to the wpf methods etc...

Is there anything I can do about it?

As always, thanks a lot in advance! :)

Lukáš Duběda
[T] +420 602 444 164

duber studio(tm)
[M] i...@duber.cz
[W] http://www.duber.cz

[A] R.A.Dvorského 601, Praha 10
[A] 10900, Czech Republic, Europe
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