For the site juize.fm we use mmbase  1.7.4-final 20050922.
But since a couple of weeks we got problems with mm:image. 
Is the server is running for a while (like a hour of more) mm:image don't give 
a result on 
the production server; you can see it on www.juize.fm at the headlines. some 
images are black and when you look in the source there is no image url.
On the CMS server the image are showed 
the jsp looks like this:
<mm:node number="urban">
<% int i = 0; %>
<mm:relatednodes type="newsarticle" constraints="starttime > 
$curtime-24*60*60*21 AND endtime > $curtime AND publish = 'y'" max="6" 
orderby="starttime" directions="down">
<% i++; %>
  <td height="50">
  <div id="hp_news<%=i%>" style="overflow:hidden;"> </div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   // <![CDATA[
   var fo = new FlashObject("swf/headlines.swf", "hp_news<%=i%>", "395", "50", 
"7", "#FFFFFF");
   fo.addVariable("url", "<mm:field name="number"/>");
   fo.addVariable("id", "<mm:related path="related,artist" max="1" 
orderby="related.number"><mm:node element="artist"><mm:relatednodes 
type="image" role="title"><mm:image template="s(80)+quality(100)" 
   fo.addVariable("title", "<mm:field name="title"/>");
   fo.addParam("wMode", "transparent");
   fo.addParam("menu", "false");
   // ]]>
 <mm:last inverse="true">
 <tr><td height="6"></td></tr>
Does somebody know why and how we can fix it. After we reset the server is 
fixed for a hour (maybe a little bit more...) so imagemagick works.
Greets Dave
ps. Upgrading mmbase is not an option. we tried this before and mmbase tries 
then to create a tables. 
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