In my scenario, the type is not known until runtime.
Currently, I indeed perform a cast according to a switch on
IdObject.Class.Name, but it would be best if the framework could do this for
me when the wrapper is generated, so that the correct wrapper would be
instantiated instead of Id.

If you could point me to the area in source where this occurs I'm willing to
take a look and try to think of a patch...

Thanks, Yoni.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Laurent Etiemble <

> Hello,
> You cannot use .NET keywords reliably on Monobjc wrappers (as they are
> wrappers around native pointers). If you want to cast (safely or not),
> use the CastAs<T>() and CastTo<T>() methods:
> args.objectAtIndex(0).CastAs<NSString>().
> Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
> 2008/11/25 yoni shalom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > managed class contains :
> >
> > [ObjectiveCMessage("func:")]
> > public Id InvokeApplication(NSArray args)
> > {
> >      Console.WriteLine(args.objectAtIndex(0) is NSString);
> > }
> >
> > There is a call from objective c to this function, using an NSArray which
> > contains an NSString.
> >
> > if that NSString in objective-c is an empty string (i.e. ""), the result
> of
> > running this code is "true"
> > if that NSString in objective-c isn't empty (i.e. "bla"), the result of
> > running this code is "false", which in my scenario is a problem.
> >
> > Any suggestions? Workarounds?
> >

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