
I don't understand what you are trying to achieve. Can you provide an
example of the code you would like to have ?

Some useful infos:
- CastTo<T>() is a unsafe cast (it throws an exception if the cast fails)
- CastAs<T>() is a failsafe cast (returns null if the cast fails)
- Class.Name is not reliable because of toll-free (NSCFString,
NSCFError, ...) and cluster (NSArray and NSMutableArray both returns
NSArray) classes.
- Use "IsKindOfClass" message if you want to test class compatiblity.
- The wrapper creation/retrieval is done by the generic method
GetInstance in ObjectiveCRuntime.Instance.cs.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2008/11/26 yoni shalom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In my scenario, the type is not known until runtime.
> Currently, I indeed perform a cast according to a switch on
> IdObject.Class.Name, but it would be best if the framework could do this for
> me when the wrapper is generated, so that the correct wrapper would be
> instantiated instead of Id.
> If you could point me to the area in source where this occurs I'm willing to
> take a look and try to think of a patch...
> Thanks, Yoni.
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Laurent Etiemble
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You cannot use .NET keywords reliably on Monobjc wrappers (as they are
>> wrappers around native pointers). If you want to cast (safely or not),
>> use the CastAs<T>() and CastTo<T>() methods:
>> args.objectAtIndex(0).CastAs<NSString>().
>> Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
>> 2008/11/25 yoni shalom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > managed class contains :
>> >
>> > [ObjectiveCMessage("func:")]
>> > public Id InvokeApplication(NSArray args)
>> > {
>> >      Console.WriteLine(args.objectAtIndex(0) is NSString);
>> > }
>> >
>> > There is a call from objective c to this function, using an NSArray
>> > which
>> > contains an NSString.
>> >
>> > if that NSString in objective-c is an empty string (i.e. ""), the result
>> > of
>> > running this code is "true"
>> > if that NSString in objective-c isn't empty (i.e. "bla"), the result of
>> > running this code is "false", which in my scenario is a problem.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions? Workarounds?
>> >

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