I have identified what I think is the issue described below.

Even though the default prefix is /usr/local, r9336 only works for me if I use

./configure --prefix=/usr/local


On Mar 20, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Michael Kluskens wrote:

Building Open MPI 1.1a1r9xxx on a PowerMac G4 running OS X 10.4.5 using
1) Apple gnu compilers from Xcode 2.2.1
2) fink-installed g95

setenv F77 g95 ; setenv FC g95 ; ./configure ; make all ; sudo make

r9212 (built ~week ago) worked but I has having some issues and
wished to try a newer 1.1

r9275 (built Thursday) and r9336 (built today) do not work, meaning
they appear to compile just fine, but:

mpif90 mpitest.f90 -o mpitest

does nothing, just returns.  No obvious errors in config.log.

1.0.2a10 (built today) does not have this problem.

I use "sudo make uninstall" to remove the previous installation
before installing a new version.


ps. I've had to use 1.1 because of bugs in the 1.0.x series that will
not be fixed.

On Mar 4, 2006, at 9:29 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
I'm hesitant to put these fixes in the 1.0.x series simply because
we're trying to finish that series and advance towards 1.1.

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