
Just on a hunch, look in your BIOS to see if Hyperthreading is turned on. If so, turn it off. We have seen some unusual behavior on some of our machines unless this is disabled.

I am interested in your progress as I have just begun working with OpenMPI as well. I have used mpich for quite some time, but felt compelled to get some experience with OpenMPI as well. I just installed it this weekend on an AMD dual-core machine with 2 gigs of ram. Maybe I will try and replicate your experiment if you can direct me to what program you are benchmarking.

Jeff F. Pummill
Senior Linux Cluster Administrator
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
(479) 575 - 4590

victor marian wrote:
The problem is that my executable file runs on the
Pentium D in 80 seconds on two cores and in 25 seconds
on one core.
And on another Sun SMP machine with 20 processors it
runs perfectly (the problem is perfectly scallable).

          Victor Marian
      Laboratory of Machine Elements and Tribology
      University Politehnica of Bucharest

--- Brock Palen <> wrote:

It means that your OMPI was compiled to support
uDAPL (a type of infinibad network) but that your computer does not have such a card installed. Because you dont it will fall back to ethernet. But because you are just running on a single machine. You will use the fastest form of communication using shared memory. so you can ignore that message. Unless in the future you add a uDAPL powered network and you still get that message then you need to

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

On Jun 10, 2007, at 9:18 AM, victor marian wrote:


I have a Pentium D computer with Solaris 10
I installed OpenMPI, succesfully compiled my
program, but when giving
mpirun -np 2 progexe
I receive
[0,1,0]: uDAPL on host SERVSOLARIS was unable to
any NICs.
Another transport will be used instead, although
may result in
lower performance.

I am a begginer in MPI and don't know what it
 should I do to solve the problem?
Thank you.

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