
The message queue feature is not yet available on the 1.2.3. One should use the latest version (from svn trunk or from the nightly builds) in order to get it. I'll make sure it get included in 1.2.4 if we release it before the 1.3.


On Jul 12, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Dennis McRitchie wrote:

Thanks for the reply Jeff.

Yes, I did compile my test app with -g, but unfortunately, our rpm build process stripped the symbols from orterun, so that turned out to be the
culprit. Once we fixed that and used openmpi-totalview.tcl to start
things up, TotalView debugging started working.

Unfortunately, I still can't get the TotalView message queue feature to
work. The option is greyed out, probably because I got the following
error, once for every process:

In process mpirun<>.N: Failed to find the global symbol

where is my test app, and N is the process' rank. Note
that I get the same error whether I built openmpi and my test app with
the Intel compiler or the gcc compiler.

In looking in <ompi_build_home>/ompi/debuggers, I see that the error is
coming out of ompi_dll.c, and it caused by not finding either
"mca_pml_base_send_requests" or "mca_pml_base_recv_requests" in the
image. I presume that the image in question is either orterun or my test app, and if I run the strings command against them, unsurprisingly I do
not find either of these strings.

But if I compile the same test app against the MPICH library, I *can*
use TotalView's message queue feature with it. So I think the problem is
not with the test app itself.

Is there anything I need to do to enable the viewing of message queues
with TV when using openmpi 1.2.3?


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:users-bounces@open-] On
Behalf Of Jeff Squyres
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 10:06 AM
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Can't get TotalView to find main program

On Jul 5, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Dennis McRitchie wrote:

Any idea why the main program can't be found when running under

Just to be sure: you compiled your test MPI application with -g, right?

Does openmpi need to be built with either --enable-debug or
--enable-mem-debug? The "configure --help" says the former is not for
general MPI users. Unclear about the latter.

No, both of those should be just for OMPI developers; you should not
need them for user installations. Indeed, OMPI should build itself with
-g as relevant for TV support (i.e., use -g to compile the relevant .c
files in libmpi); you shouldn't need to build OMPI itself with -g.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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