Amit Kumar Saha wrote:
> hello,
> I am using Open MPI 1.2.3 to run a task on 4 hosts as follows:
> amit@ubuntu-desktop-1:~/mpi-exec$ mpirun --np 4 --hostfile
> mpi-host-file ParallelSearch
> bash: /usr/local/bin/orted: No such file or directory
> The problem is that 'orted' is not found on one of the 4 hosts. I
> investigated the problem and found out that whereas 'orted' is stored
> in /usr/local/bin on all the other 3 hosts, it is in /usr/bin/orted on
> the erroneous host. I tried to create a soft link to solve the problem
> but sadly it is not so simple, it seems.
> It would be nice to know how to get around this problem.

Can you make sure that orted is in the PATH variable for each machine?
You can do this by adding it to /etc/bash.bashrc or an appropriate file?

> Thanks,
> Amit

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