For anyone truly interested, the revised hostfile behavior to be supported
beginning with release 1.3 is described on the Open MPI wiki:

Many thanks to the folks from Sun for providing that summary!

On 12/19/07 3:17 PM, "Ralph H Castain" <> wrote:

> It is fully implemented, but on my development branch at the moment. We hope
> to bring that over to the trunk late Jan - primarily need to complete some
> work on MPI-2 dynamic process management and give Josh a chance to repair
> the checkpoint/restart functionality before we bring it over.
> Ralph
> On 12/19/07 3:07 PM, "Adams, Brian M" <> wrote:
>> Ralph,
>> Thanks for the clarification as I'm dealing with workarounds for this at
>> Sandia as well...
>> I might have missed this earlier in the dialog, but is this capability
>> in the SVN trunk right now, or still on the TODO list?
>> Brian
>> ----------------------------------------
>> Brian M. Adams, PhD (
>> Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation
>> Sandia National Laboratories
>> P.O. Box 5800, Mail Stop 1318
>> Albuquerque, NM 87185-1318
>> Voice: 505-284-8845, FAX: 505-284-2518
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ralph H Castain
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:35 PM
>>> To: Open MPI Users <>; pat.o'
>>> Cc: Castain, Ralph H. (LANL)
>>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Torque and OpenMPI 1.2
>>> Open MPI 1.3 will support use of the hostfile and the tm
>>> launcher simultaneously. It will work slightly differently,
>>> though, with respect to the hostfile:
>>> 1. PBS_NODEFILE will be read to obtain a complete list of
>>> what has been allocated to us
>>> 2. you will be allowed to provide a hostfile for each
>>> app_context as a separate entry to define the hosts to be
>>> used for that specific app_context.
>>> The hosts in your hostfile, however, must be included in the
>>> Basically, the hostfile argument will serve as a filter to
>>> the hosts provided via PBS_NODEFILE. We will use the TM
>>> launcher (unless, of course, you tell us to do otherwise), so
>>> the issues I mentioned before will go away.
>>> There will be a FAQ entry describing the revised hostfile
>>> behavior in some detail. We think the change will help
>>> rationalize the behavior so it is more consistent across all
>>> the different use-cases people have invented. ;-)
>>> Hope that helps
>>> Ralph
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