Sorry to bring this subject up again -
but i have a problem getting xterms
running for all of my processes (for debugging purposes).
There are actually two problem involved:
display, and paths.

my ssh is set up so that X forwarding is allowed,
and, indeed,
  ssh nano_00 xterm
opens an xterm from the remote machine nano_00.

When i run my program normally, it works ok:
 [jody]:/mnt/data1/neander:$mpirun -np 4 --hostfile testhosts ./MPITest
[aim-plankton.unizh.ch]I am #0/4 global
[aim-plankton.unizh.ch]I am #1/4 global
[aim-nano_00]I am #2/4 global
[aim-nano_00]I am #3/4 global

But when i try to see it in xterms
[jody]:/mnt/data1/neander:$mpirun -np 4 --hostfile testhosts -x
DISPLAY xterm -hold -e  ./MPITest
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.0
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.0

(same happens, if i set DISPLAY=plankton:0.0, or if i use plankton's
ip address;
and xhost is enabled for nano_00)

the other two (the "local") xterms open, but they display the message:
 ./MPITest: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi_cxx.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(This also happens if i only have local processes)

So my first question is: what do i do to enable nano_00 to display an xterm
on plankton? Using normal ssh there seems to be no problem.

Second question: why does the use of xterm "hide" the open-mpi libs?
Interestingly: if i use xterm with gdb to start my application, it works.

Any ideas?

Thank you

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