Using a more realistic application than a simple "Hello, world"
even the --host version doesn't work correctly
Called this way

mpirun -np 3 --host aim-plankton ./QHGLauncher
--read-config=pureveg_new.cfg -o output.txt  : -np 3 --host aim-fanta4
./QHGLauncher_64 --read-config=pureveg_new.cfg -o output.txt

the application starts but seems to hang after a while.

Running the application in gdb:

mpirun -np 3 --host aim-plankton -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./QHGLauncher
--read-config=pureveg_new.cfg -o output.txt  : -np 3 --host aim-fanta4
-x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./QHGLauncher_64 --read-config=pureveg_new.cfg
-o bruzlopf -n 12

i can see that the processes on aim-fanta4 have indeed gotten stuck
after a few initial outputs,
and the processes on aim-plankton all have a messsage:

connect() failed with errno=113

If i opnly use aim-plankton alone or aim-fanta4 alone everythiung runs
as expected.

BTW: i'm, using open MPI 1.2.2

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:40 PM, jody <jody....@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI
>  In my network i have some 32 bit machines and some 64 bit machines.
>  With --host i successfully call my application:
>   mpirun -np 3 --host aim-plankton -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./MPITest :
>  -np 3 --host aim-fanta4 -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./MPITest64
>  (MPITest64 has the same code as MPITest, but was compiled on the 64 bit 
> machine)
>  But when i use hostfiles:
>   mpirun -np 3 --hostfile hosts32 -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./MPITest :
>  -np 3 --hostfile hosts64 -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./MPITest64
>  all 6 processes are started on the 64 bit machine aim-fanta4.
>  hosts32:
>    aim-plankton slots=3
>  hosts64
>   aim-fanta4 slots
>  Is this a bug or a feature?  ;)
>  Jody

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