I works find with konsole.
Thank you for the advise.


Samuel Sarholz wrote:

I think the problem is that xterm (probably) has the userid bit set and thus deletes the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Try setting the path again before you start gdb, e.g:
mpirun -n 2 -x DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<mpi lib location>

or use the -Wl,-rpath=<mpi lib location> to compiler the search path into the executable.

best regards,

P.S.: This xterm behavior causes us a lot of problems as well. Other terminals like konsole don't have that problem.

Thomas Ropars wrote:

I'm trying to use gdb and xterm with open mpi on my computer (Ubuntu 8.04). When I run an application without gdb on my computer in works find but if I try to use gdb in xterm I get the following error:

mpirun -n 2 -x DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm -e gdb ./ring.out

(gdb) run
Starting program: /media/sda5/tempo/openmpi/tests/ring.out
/media/sda5/tempo/openmpi/tests/ring.out: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Program exited with code 0177.

When I try to use a shell script to launch gdb as mentioned bellow, I get the same error.


Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Feb 7, 2008, at 10:07 AM, jody wrote:

I wrote a little command called envliblist which consists of this line:
printenv | grep PATH | gawk -F "_PATH=" '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F ":"
'{ print $1 }' | xargs ls -al

When i do
mpirun -np 5 -hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY xterm -hold -e ./ envliblist all xterms (local & remote) display the contents of the openmpi/lib directory.

Ok, good.

Another strange result:
I have a shell script for launching the debugger in an xterm:
[jody]:/mnt/data1/neander:$cat run_gdb.sh
# save the program name
export PROG="$1"
# shift away program name (leaves program params)
# create a command file for gdb, to start it automatically
echo run $*  > gdb.cmd
# do the term
xterm -e gdb -x gdb.cmd $PROG

exit 0

When i run
 mpirun -np 5 --hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY ./run_gdb.sh ./MPITest
it works!

Just to compare
mpirun -np 5 --hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY xterm -hold -e ./MPITest
does not work.

It seems that if you launch shell scripts, things work. But if you run xterm without a shell script, it does not work. I do not think it is a difference of -hold vs. no -hold. Indeed, I can run both of these commands just fine on my system:

% mpirun -np 1 --hostfile h -x DISPLAY=<myhost>.cisco.com:0 xterm - hold -e gdb ~/mpi/hello

% mpirun -np 1 --hostfile h -x DISPLAY=<myhost>.cisco.com:0 xterm -e gdb ~/mpi/hello

Note that my setup is a little different than yours; I'm using a Mac laptop and ssh'ing to a server where I'm invoking mpirun. The hostfile "h" contains a 2nd server where xterm/gdb/hello are running.

I notice the only difference between the to above commands is that
in the run_gdb script xterm has no "-hold" parameter!
mpirun -np 5 --hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY xterm -e ./MPITest
does work. To actually see that it works (MPITest is simple Hello MPI
app) i had to do
mpirun -np 5 --hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY xterm -hold -e
"./MPITest >> output.txt"
and check output.txt.

Does anybody have an explanation for this weird happening?

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