Hi Heitor

You may have trouble making this work with OMPI 1.2 depending upon how you actually execute things. The Publish_name and Lookup_name functions in that release series are somewhat constrained in their operation. You may find 1.3 to be a better fit.

That said, you -can- make it work in OMPI 1.2. The key is that both client and server must be started from the same node - i.e., the mpirun must be executed on the same node (the proc itself can be elsewhere). Here is roughly what you have to do for OMPI 1.2:

1. start a persistent orted that will serve as the host for the data:

$> orted --seed --persistent --universe foo

2. start your server off - for this example, I will have it run on a specified node:

$> mpirun -np 1 -host server-host --universe foo ./my_server &

3. start your client off:

$> mpirun -np 1 -host client-host --universe foo ./my_client &

This will put both client and server in the same "universe", which is equivalent to being in the same "namespace" - thus, the client should be able to find the server's published info.

Note that you will have to "kill" the orted when you are done - 1.2 doesn't include a polite way to terminate it, unfortunately.

Of course, you'll still need to solve any ssh issues.

Hope that helps

On Nov 29, 2008, at 7:40 AM, Heitor Florido wrote:

Hi raymond,

I have installed OpenMPI on both computers and my application works on on both of them, but when I try to communicate between them, the method MPI_Lookup_name can't resolve the name published by the other machine.

I've tried to run the example from mpi-forum that uses MPI_Open_port too, but it didn't work either. After reading about it on some FAQs e some other threads from the forum, I believe that I need to config my ssh options.


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