
Sorry I picked the wrong word there. I guess this is more complicated than I thought it was.

For the first case you describe, as OPENMPI is now, the call sequence from fortran is

mpi_comm_rank -> MPI_Comm_rank -> PMPI_Comm_rank

For the second case, as MPICH is now, its

mpi_comm_rank -> PMPI_Comm_rank

So for the first case if I have a pure fortran/C++ code I have to profile at the C interface.

So is the patch now retracted ?


I think you have an incorrect deffinition of "correctly" :). According to the MPI standard, an MPI implementation is free to either layer language bindings (and only allow profiling at the lowest layer) or not layer the language bindings (and require profiling libraries intercept each language). The only requirement is that the implementation document what it has done.

Since everyone is pretty clear on what Open MPI has done, I don't think you can claim Open MPI is doing it "incorrectly". Different from MPICH is not necessarily incorrect. (BTW, LAM/MPI handles profiling the same way as Open MPI).


On Fri, 5 Dec 2008, Nick Wright wrote:

Hi Antony

That will work yes, but its not portable to other MPI's that do implement the profiling layer correctly unfortunately.

I guess we will just need to detect that we are using openmpi when our tool is configured and add some macros to deal with that accordingly. Is there an easy way to do this built into openmpi?



Anthony Chan wrote:
Hope I didn't misunderstand your question.  If you implement
your profiling library in C where you do your real instrumentation,
you don't need to implement the fortran layer, you can simply link
with Fortran to C MPI wrapper library -lmpi_f77. i.e.

<OMPI>/bin/mpif77 -o foo foo.f -L<OMPI>/lib -lmpi_f77 -lYourProfClib

where libYourProfClib.a is your profiling tool written in C. If you don't want to intercept the MPI call twice for fortran program,
you need to implment fortran layer.  In that case, I would think you
can just call C version of PMPI_xxx directly from your fortran layer, e.g.

void mpi_comm_rank_(MPI_Comm *comm, int *rank, int *info) {
    printf("mpi_comm_rank call successfully intercepted\n");
    *info = PMPI_Comm_rank(comm,rank);


----- "Nick Wright" <> wrote:


I am trying to use the PMPI interface with OPENMPI to profile a
fortran program.

I have tried with 1.28 and 1.3rc1 with --enable-mpi-profile switched

The problem seems to be that if one eg. intercepts to call to mpi_comm_rank_ (the fortran hook) then calls pmpi_comm_rank_ this then

calls MPI_Comm_rank (the C hook) not PMPI_Comm_rank as it should.

So if one wants to create a library that can profile C and Fortran
codes at the same time one ends up intercepting the mpi call twice. Which is

not desirable and not what should happen (and indeed doesn't happen in

other MPI implementations).

A simple example to illustrate is below. If somebody knows of a fix to

avoid this issue that would be great !



pmpi_test.c: mpicc pmpi_test.c -c

#include "mpi.h"
void mpi_comm_rank_(MPI_Comm *comm, int *rank, int *info) {
   printf("mpi_comm_rank call successfully intercepted\n");
int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank) {
   printf("MPI_comm_rank call successfully intercepted\n");

hello_mpi.f: mpif77 hello_mpi.f pmpi_test.o

       program hello
        implicit none
        include 'mpif.h'
        integer ierr
        integer myid,nprocs
        character*24 fdate,host
        call MPI_Init( ierr )
       call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierr )
       call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD , nprocs, ierr )
       call getenv('HOST',host)
       write (*,*) 'Hello World from proc',myid,' out of',nprocs,host
       call mpi_finalize(ierr)

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