Jens wrote:

Hi Terry,

I would like to run a paraview-server all time on our cluster (even
though it is not in use 24h) - but this would simply result in some kind
of "heating-thread".

Even though it has (in theory) no impact on the node performace (which
is part of a grid-engine), it would simply result in some kind of
"heating-thread" which is not a nice idea.
Further (and you can test this), it doesn't yield 100% effectively. E.g., even if you had other processes ready and eager to consume the CPU, it seems (based on my tests) that a waiting/yielding OMPI process won't give up the CPU very well. E.g., maybe only 50%.

An MPI implementation could be more cautious. E.g., it could put a process to sleep and poll only occasionally for in-coming messages or have some other way of waking up when needed.

The trade-offs are:

*) the more you give up the CPU, the longer it takes to wake up
*) the more control over this trade off you give to the user, the more the user needs to understand the tradeoffs *) the more control you want to allow, the more complex the MPI implementation

Regarding the last one, I think OMPI only allows aggressive or else yield. No sleep.

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