The more I look at this bug the more I'm convinced it is with openMPI and not our code. Here is why: Our code generates a communication/execution schedule. At each timestep this schedule is executed and all communication and execution is performed. Our problem is AMR which means the communication schedule may change from time to time. In this case the schedule has not changed in many timesteps meaning the same communication schedule is being used as the last X (x being around 20 in this case) timesteps. Our code does have a very large communication problem. I have been able to reduce the hang down to 16 processors and it seems to me the hang occurs when he have lots of work per processor. Meaning if I add more processors it may not hang but reducing processors makes it more likely to hang.
What is the status on the fix for this particular freelist deadlock?


Jeff Squyres wrote:
George --

Is this the same issue that you're working on?

(we have a "blocker" bug for v1.3 about deadlock at heavy messaging volume -- on Tuesday, it looked like a bug in our freelist...)

On Dec 9, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Justin wrote:

I have tried disabling the shared memory by running with the following parameters to mpirun

--mca btl openib,self --mca btl_openib_ib_timeout 23 --mca btl_openib_use_srq 1 --mca btl_openib_use_rd_max 2048

Unfortunately this did not get rid of any hangs and has seemed to make them more common. I have now been able to reproduce the deadlock at 32 processors. I am now working with an mpi deadlock detection research code which will hopefully be able to tell me if there are any deadlocks in our code. At the same time if any of you have any suggestions of parameters to openmpi that might alleviate these deadlocks I would be grateful.


Rolf Vandevaart wrote:

The current version of Open MPI installed on ranger is 1.3a1r19685 which is from early October. This version has a fix for ticket #1378. Ticket #1449 is not an issue is this case because each node has 16 processors and #1449 is for larger SMPs.

However, I am wondering if this is because of ticket which was not yet fixed in the version running on ranger.

As was suggested earlier, running without the sm btl would be a clue if this is the problem.

mpirun --mca btl ^sm a.out

Another way to potentially work around the issue is to increase the size of the shared memory backing file.

mpirun --mca 1073741824 -mca mpool_sm_max_size 1073741824 a.out

We will also work with TACC to get an upgraded version of Open MPI 1.3 on there.

Let us know what you find.


On 12/09/08 08:05, Lenny Verkhovsky wrote:
also see

On 12/9/08, *Lenny Verkhovsky* < <>> wrote:

maybe it's related to ??

   On 12/5/08, *Justin* <
   <>> wrote:

       The reason i'd like to disable these eager buffers is to help
       detect the deadlock better.  I would not run with this for a
       normal run but it would be useful for debugging.  If the
       deadlock is indeed due to our code then disabling any shared
buffers or eager sends would make that deadlock reproduceable. In addition we might be able to lower the number of processors
       down.  Right now determining which processor is deadlocks when
       we are using 8K cores and each processor has hundreds of
       messages sent out would be quite difficult.

       Thanks for your suggestions,

       Brock Palen wrote:

OpenMPI has differnt eager limits for all the network types,
           on your system run:

           ompi_info --param btl all

           and look for the eager_limits
           You can set these values to 0 using the syntax I showed you
           before. That would disable eager messages.
           There might be a better way to disable eager messages.
           Not sure why you would want to disable them, they are there
           for performance.

           Maybe you would still see a deadlock if every message was
           below the threshold. I think there is a limit of the number
           of eager messages a receving cpus will accept. Not sure
           about that though.  I still kind of doubt it though.

           Try tweaking your buffer sizes,  make the openib  btl eager
limit the same as shared memory. and see if you get locks up
           between hosts and not just shared memory.

           Brock Palen
           Center for Advanced Computing

           On Dec 5, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Justin wrote:

               Thank you for this info.  I should add that our code
               tends to post a lot of sends prior to the other side
               posting receives.  This causes a lot of unexpected
               messages to exist.  Our code explicitly matches up all
               tags and processors (that is we do not use MPI wild
               cards).  If we had a dead lock I would think we would
               see it regardless of weather or not we cross the
               roundevous threshold.  I guess one way to test this
would be to to set this threshold to 0. If it then dead
               locks we would likely be able to track down the
               deadlock.  Are there any other parameters we can send
               mpi that will turn off buffering?


               Brock Palen wrote:

                   When ever this happens we found the code to have a
                   deadlock.  users never saw it until they cross the
                   eager->roundevous threshold.

                   Yes you can disable shared memory with:

                   mpirun --mca btl ^sm

                   Or you can try increasing the eager limit.

                   ompi_info --param btl sm

MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_eager_limit" (current value:

                   You can modify this limit at run time,  I think
                   (can't test it right now) it is just:

                   mpirun --mca btl_sm_eager_limit 40960

                   I think you can also in tweaking these values use
env Vars in place of putting it all in the mpirun line:

                   export OMPI_MCA_btl_sm_eager_limit=40960


                   Brock Palen <>
                   Center for Advanced Computing

                   On Dec 5, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Justin wrote:


We are currently using OpenMPI 1.3 on Ranger for large processor jobs (8K+). Our code appears to
                       be occasionally deadlocking at random within
                       point to point communication (see stacktrace
                       below).  This code has been tested on many
                       different MPI versions and as far as we know it
                       does not contain a deadlock.  However, in the
                       past we have ran into problems with shared
                       memory optimizations within MPI causing
                       deadlocks.  We can usually avoid these by
                       setting a few environment variables to either
                       increase the size of shared memory buffers or
                       disable shared memory optimizations all
                       together.   Does OpenMPI have any known
                       deadlocks that might be causing our deadlocks?
                        If are there any work arounds?  Also how do we
                       disable shared memory within OpenMPI?

Here is an example of where processors are hanging:

                       #0  0x00002b2df3522683 in
                       mca_btl_sm_component_progress () from
/opt/apps/intel10_1/openmpi/1.3/lib/openmpi/ #1 0x00002b2df2cb46bf in mca_bml_r2_progress ()
                       #2  0x00002b2df0032ea4 in opal_progress () from
                       #3  0x00002b2ded0d7622 in
                       ompi_request_default_wait_some () from
                       #4  0x00002b2ded109e34 in PMPI_Waitsome () from

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