Hi All,

Just to polish this thread off....

To make openmpi work on my OS X 10.5 machine I need only:

./configure --prefix=/Network/Xgrid/openmpi
make install

I then edited
and added

# set ports so that they are more valid than the default ones (see email from Ralph Castain)
btl_tcp_port_min_v4 = 36900
btl_tcp_port_range  = 32

Which may be a kludge only I need because I am being silly and running openMPI as an admin-privileged user.

For my environment, I don't *need* to set anything, though I find it useful to set:

export PATH="/Network/Xgrid/openmpi/bin/:$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ local/sbin"
export MANPATH="/Network/Xgrid/openmpi/man/:/usr/local/man/:$MANPATH"

Note that I do not think I need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which I don't think OS X knows anything about anyway) nor DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is consistent with the FAQ that warns against setting those (though when I had them set there didn't seem to be any ill effects).

I'm running a long job now under torque/pbs. I'll see if it survives the weekend (I had trouble with XGrid jobs dying after 10 hours or so due to an sshd deciding it was a security breach and killing all the processes).

Anyways, all seems to be working so far. Sorry that my poor choice in user management caused so many mysteries. Thanks for everyone's help.

Cheers,  Jody

Jody Klymak

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