Hi Jed,

I'm not sure if this will help, but it's worth a try. Turn off OMPI's memory wrapper and see what happens.

c-like shell
setenv OMPI_MCA_memory_ptmalloc2_disable 1

bash-like shell
export OMPI_MCA_memory_ptmalloc2_disable=1

Also add the following MCA parameter to you run command.

--mca mpi_leave_pinned 0

Samuel K. Gutierrez
Los Alamos National Laboratory

On Oct 26, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Jed Brown wrote:

Jeff Squyres wrote:
Using --enable-debug adds in a whole pile of developer-level run-time
checking and whatnot. You probably don't want that on production runs.

I have found that --enable-debug --enable-memchecker actually produces
more valgrind noise than leaving them off.  Are there options to make
Open MPI strict about initializing and freeing memory?  At one point I
tried to write policy files, but even with judicious globbing, I kept
getting different warnings when run on a different program. (All these
codes were squeaky-clean under MPICH2.)


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