On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 16:21 -0400, Jeff Squyres wrote:

> there's a tiny/ 
> small amount of overhead inserted by OMPI telling Valgrind "this  
> memory region is ok", but we live in an intensely competitive HPC  
> environment.

I may be wrong but I seem to remember Julian saying the overhead is
twelve cycles for the valgrind calls.  Of course calculating what to
pass to valgrind may add to this.

> The option to enable this Valgrind Goodness in OMPI is --with- 
> valgrind.  I *think* the option may be the same for libibverbs, but I  
> don't remember offhand.
> That being said, I'm guessing that we still have bunches of other  
> valgrind warnings that may be legitimate.  We can always use some help  
> to stamp out these warnings...  :-)

I note there is a bug for this, being "Valgrind clean" is a very
desirable feature for any software and particularly a library IMHO.




Ashley Pittman, Bath, UK.

Padb - A parallel job inspection tool for cluster computing

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