
Thank you for your reply!

Further question,

Head node and other computing nodes have topspin-ib-rhel4-3.2.0-118
installed with CISCO IB card (HCA-320-A1).
Our new nodes has mellanox IB card (MHRH19-XTC).  My question is how
to compile openmpi with heterogenous IB cards?

I used to compile with --with-mvapi=/usr/local/topspin


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Jeff Squyres <> wrote:
> On Oct 16, 2009, at 1:55 PM, nam kim wrote:
>> Our school has a cluster running over CISCO based Infiniband cards and
>> switch.
>> Recently, we purchased more computing nods with Mellanox card since
>> CISCO stops making IB card anymore.
> Sorry for the delay in replying; my INBOX has grown totally out of hand
> recently.  :-(
> FWIW, Cisco never made IB HCAs; we simply resold Mellanox HCAs.
>> Currently, I use openmpi 1.2.8 compiled with CISCO IB card
>> (SFS-HCA-320-A1) with topspin driver. My questions are:
>> 1. Is it possible to compile 1.3 version with mixed cisco IB and mellanox
>> IB (MHRH19-XTC) with open infiniband libries?
> Do you mean: is it possible to use Open MPI 1.3.x with a recent OFED
> distribution across multiple nodes, some of which include Cisco-branded HCAs
> and some of which include Mellanox HCAs?
> The answer is: most likely, yes.  Open MPI doesn't fully support
> "heterogeneous" HCAs (e.g., HCAs that would require different MTUs).  But I
> suspect that your HCAs are all "close enough" that it won't matter.  FWIW,
> on my 64-node MPI testing cluster at Cisco, I do similar things -- I have
> various Cisco and Mellanox HCAs of different generations and specific
> capabilities, and Open MPI runs fine.
>> 2. Is is possible to compile 1.2.8 with mixed cisco IB and mellanox IB,
>> then how?
> If you can, I'd highly suggest upgrading to the Open MPI v1.3 series.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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