On Oct 28, 2009, at 1:08 PM, nam kim wrote:

Head node and other computing nodes have topspin-ib-rhel4-3.2.0-118
installed with CISCO IB card (HCA-320-A1).

Is there a reason you're not using OFED? OFED is *much* more modern and has many more features than the old Cisco/Topspin IB driver stack. I don't remember when the last Cisco IB stack release was, but I think it was (literally) years ago. We put all of our development effort into OFED quite a while ago.

Additionally, Open MPI removed support for the old MVAPI-style IB stacks (including the Cisco/Topspin stack) starting with Open MPI v1.3. So if you stick with the old stack, you're pretty much limited to Open MPI v1.2.x.

Our new nodes has mellanox IB card (MHRH19-XTC).  My question is how
to compile openmpi with heterogenous IB cards?

I'm afraid I don't know the subtle differences between those two cards. Most of Open MPI's HCA determination and adjusting is done at run time, not compile time. My advice would be to upgrade to the latest stable OFED release and the latest stable Open MPI release. Then try running it and see what happens. It will "probably" work just fine. If not, we can tweak some run-time parameters to force Open MPI to use the same settings on all your HCAs and then it will work.

Does that make sense?

Jeff Squyres

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