>> 26a27
>>> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=      --enable-contrib-no-build=vt
>> I have no idea how NetBSD go about resolving such clashes in the long
>> term though?
> I've disabled it the same way for this time, my local package differs
> from what's in wip:
> --- PLIST     3 Dec 2009 10:18:00 -0000       1.5
> +++ PLIST     9 Dec 2009 08:29:31 -0000
> @@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
>  @comment $NetBSD$
>  bin/mpiCC
> -bin/mpiCC-vt
>  bin/mpic++
> -bin/mpic++-vt

I am surprised that you are still installing binaries and other files
with the -vt extension after disabling the vt stuff ?

> I can commit my development patches into wip right now,
> if that helps you.

If your stuff now works then that's ideal. If your build is still
failing after applying my patches then probably not.

Given that we have something that does work, it would make sense
to try and merge the two as far as possible before proceeding any

As discussed before, there is no real reason to have two getifaddrs
loops seperating out IPv6 and non-IPv6 - that could all be in one

> Some patches should be there anyway, since OpenMPI doesn't help with
> installation of configuration files into example directory anyway.

OK, as you are the person within the NetBSD community looking
after OpenMPI, I'll happily work with whatever is in the NetBSD
repository and patch locally as needed, because I have poeple here
who want to use stuff that requires OpenMPI now.

Are you going to upgrade the NetBSD port to build against OpenMPI 1.4
now that it available ? Might be a good time to check the fuzzz in the
existing patches.


Kevin M. Buckley                                  Room:  CO327
School of Engineering and                         Phone: +64 4 463 5971
 Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand

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