On Oct 7, 2010, at 3:53 PM, Durga Choudhury wrote:

> If I compile with --enable-heterogenous flag for different
> *architectures* (I have a mix of old 32 bit x86, newer x86_64 and some
> Cell BE based boxes (PS3)), would I be able to form a MPD ring between
> all these different machines?

No.  Open MPI does not have MPD -- I think you're thinking of a different MPI 
implementation.  :-)

If you can run Linux on all these machines, then hypothetically the 
heterogeneous flag would allow a single Open MPI job to run across all of them. 
 I say "hypothetically" because I think we have done basic testing to ensure 
this stuff works, but it is used so infrequently (in reality, most people don't 
mix and match too often) that we don't stress test it, nor do we test it in 
exotic environments.

Jeff Squyres
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