Here's, hopefully, more useful info. Note reading the job2core.pdf presentation, that was mentioned earlier, more closely will also clarify a couple points (I've put those points inline below).

On 7/15/2011 12:01 AM, Ralph Castain wrote:
On Jul 14, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

Looping in the users mailing list so that Ralph and Oracle can comment...
Not entirely sure what I can contribute here, but I'll try - see below for some 
clarifications. I think the discussion here is based on some misunderstanding 
of how OMPI works.

On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:34 PM, Rayson Ho wrote:

(CC'ing Jeff from the Open-MPI project...)

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Tad Kollar<>  wrote:
As I thought more about it, I was afraid that might be the case, but hoped
sge_shepherd would do some magic for tightly-integrated jobs.
To SGE, if each of the tasks is not started by sge_shepherd, then the
only option is to set the binding mask to the allocation, which in
your original case, was the whole system (48 CPUs).

We're running OpenMPI 1.5.3 if that makes a difference. Do you know of
anyone using an MVAPICH2 1.6 pe that can handle binding?
OMPI uses its own binding scheme - we stick within the overall binding envelope 
given to us, but we don't use external bindings of individual procs. Reason is 
simple: SGE has no visibility into the MPI procs we spawn. All SGE sees is 
mpirun and the daemons (called orteds) we launch on each node, and so it can't 
provide a binding scheme for the MPI procs (it actually has no idea how many 
procs are on each node as OMPI's mapper can support a multitude of algorithms, 
all invisible to SGE).

However, if one reads the job2core.pdf presentation on page 14 it talks about how SGE will pass a rankfile to Open MPI which is how SGE drives the binding it wants for an Open MPI job.
I just downloaded Open MPI 1.5.4a and grep'ed the source, looks like
it is not looking at the SGE_BINDING env variable that is set by SGE.
No, we don't. However, the orteds do check to see if they have been bound, and 
if so, to what processors. Those bindings are then used as an envelope limiting 
the processors we use to bind the procs we spawn.

I believe SGE_BINDING is an env-var to SGE that tells it what binding to use for the job and SGE will then, as mentioned above, generate a rankfile to be used by Open MPI.

The serial case worked (its affinity list was '0' instead of '0-47'), so at
least we know that's in good shape :-)
Please also submit a few more jobs and see if the new hwloc code is
able to handle multiple jobs running on your AMD MC server.

My ultimate goal is for affinity support to be enabled and scheduled
automatically for all MPI users, i.e. without them having to do any more
than they would for a no-affinity job (otherwise I have a feeling most of
them would just ignore it). What do you think it will take to get to that
We tried to do this once - I set a default param to auto-bind processes. Major 
error. I was lynched by the MPI user community until we removed that param.

Reason is simple: suppose you have MPI processes that launch threads. Remember, 
there is no thread-level binding out there - all the OS will let you do is bind 
at the process level. So now you bind someone's MPI process to some core(s), 
which forces all the threads from that process to stay within that 
binding....thereby potentially creating a horrendous thread-contention problem.

It doesn't take threading to cause problems - some applications just don't work 
as well when bound. It's true that the benchmarks generally do, but they aren't 
representative of real applications.

Bottom line: defaulting to binding processes was something the MPI community 
appears to have rejected, with reason. Might argue about whether or not they 
are correct, but that appears to be the consensus, and it is the position OMPI 
has adopted. User ignorance of when to bind and when not to bind is not a valid 
reason to impact everyone.

That's my goal since 2008...

I started a mail thread, "processor affinity -- OpenMPI / batchsystem
integration" to the Open MPI list in 2008. And in 2009, the conclusion
was that Sun was saying that the binding info is set in the
environment and Open MPI would perform the binding itself (so I
assumed that was done):
It is done - we just use OMPI's binding schemes and not the ones provided 
natively by SGE. Like I said above, SGE doesn't see the MPI procs and can't 
provide a binding pattern for them - so looking at the SUNW_MP_BIND envar is 

Note SUNW_MP_BIND has *nothing* to do with Open MPI but is a way that SGE feeds binding to OpenMP (note no "I") applications. So Ralph is right that this env-var is pointless from an Open MPI perspective.

Revisiting the presentation (see: job2core.pdf link at the above URL),
Sun's variable name is $SUNW_MP_BIND, so it is most likely Sun Cluster
Toolkit implementation specific rather than a feature in Open MPI --
and looking at the Open MPI code I don't see SUNW_MP_BIND referenced

I believe it is a matter of integrating the thread binding support
between the 2 -- both SGE&  Open MPI support thread binding.
First, Sun ClusterTools version 7 and above is directly based off of Open MPI. Second, as mentioned before SUNW_MP_BIND is an env-var to control OpenMP binding not MPI binding (Open MPI or ClusterTools).
I don't believe this is accurate - certainly OMPI doesn't support thread-level binding, and I 
haven't seen an OS that does yet. Might happen  someday...but I suspect you mean 
"process" and not "thread".

Someday my prince will come and we will have thread binding for everyone. Well almost...


harder part is to handle cross node binding as SGE binds threads
locally only (not directly controlled by qmaster) -- may be a call to
"qstat -cb -j<job id>" would do the trick, and the info is parsed and
passed to mpirun via the "--rankfile" option.



Jeff Squyres
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