Hi Shiqing,

I agree. I think that I am somehow using WMI, but this is happening both
with the Open-MPI windows binary (OpenMPI_v1.5.4-1_win32.exe) and also with
versions of the binaries I built (1.4.3 & 1.5.1 from svn).

What do I have to do to get OpenMPI to use ssh instead of WMI. From what I
can see of the configuration with ompi_info, the following seems correct:

$ ompi_info -all

Package: Open MPI hpcfan@VISCLUSTER26 Distribution

Open MPI: 1.5.4

Open MPI SVN revision: r25060

Open MPI release date: Aug 18, 2011

Open RTE: 1.5.4

Open RTE SVN revision: r25060

Open RTE release date: Aug 18, 2011

OPAL: 1.5.4

OPAL SVN revision: r25060

OPAL release date: Aug 18, 2011

Ident string: 1.5.4


MCA orte: parameter "orte_rsh_agent" (current value: <ssh : rsh>, ..


MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_agent" (current value: <ssh : rsh>, ..


Is there a cmake configuration option I need to set for a Windows build to
use ssh? Is there some environment or package configuration option I need to

Thanks again for your help, I am keen to know what I am missing.

Best regards,


From: Shiqing Fan [mailto:f...@hlrs.de] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 8:20 PM
To: Open MPI Users; james.toross...@essetek.com
Cc: Ralph Castain
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] O-MPI Support for Windows 7

Hi James,

One other possibility could be that ssh is actually not used at all. Did you
build Open MPI under Cygwin? Is the ssh module shown up in the ompi_info

The user credential message looks very familiar to me as it seems from the
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) module, where the 'save credential'
option has not been implemented.


On 2012-02-07 4:11 AM, Ralph Castain wrote: 

Afraid I'm no OpenSSH expert, but it sounds like there is an issue with its
configuration. Check out the OpenSSH config options to see if something

I did a quick search and found this, as an example:


Note the need to run ssh-agent to cache login credentials.

On Feb 6, 2012, at 5:05 PM, James Torossian wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to setup Open-MPI across two Windows 7 machines with UAC
disabled ..

Cygwin with OpenSSH is installed, and I can successfully ssh to each machine
without entry of username and password:

JimT@JimT-PC ~

$ ssh NanoOneQuad

Last login: Tue Feb  7 01:42:02 2012 from jimt-pc

JimT@NanoOneQuad ~


Regardless of this, mpirun insists on asking for a username and password;
then asks to save credentials, but if selected, responds with not
implemented. If saving credentials is not selected, then I can see that the
task starts on the other machine (in task manager) and that the task runs to
completion OK:

JimT@JimT-PC ~

$ mpirun -H NanoOneQuad ipconfig.exe

connecting to NanoOneQuad



Save Credential?(Y/N) y

[JimT-PC:03784] This feature hasn't been implemented yet.

JimT@JimT-PC ~

$ mpirun -H NanoOneQuad ipconfig.exe

connecting to NanoOneQuad



Save Credential?(Y/N) n

JimT@JimT-PC ~


Please let me know what I have missed. I have gone through the FAQs and have
rebuilt the windows version but can't seem to get past this.

Thanks and best regards,


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Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234      Nobelstrasse 19
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