This situation is also strange for me, I spend 2 days to find a bug :(.

Unfortunately I am not  a professional  C/C++ programmer, but I have
to make this program. Please have a look in a picture from link below,
maybe it will be more clear.

2012/7/30 TERRY DONTJE <>:
> On 7/30/2012 6:11 AM, Paweł Jaromin wrote:
> Hello
> Thanks for fast answer, but the problem looks a little different.
> Of course, I use this code only for master node (rank 0), because only
> this node has an access to file.
> As You can see i use "if" clause to check sndFile for NULL:
> if (sndFile == NULL)
> and it returns not NULL value, so the code can run forward.
> I have found the problem during check array:
>                          long numFrames = sf_readf_float(sndFile, snd_buffor, 
> sfinfo.frames);
>                          // Check correct number of samples loaded
>                          if (numFrames != sfinfo.frames) {
>                             fprintf(stderr, "Did not read enough frames for 
> source\n");
>                             sf_close(sndFile);
>                             free(snd_buffor);
>                                 MPI_Finalize();
>                             return 1;
>                          }
> So, after that I went to debuger to check variables (I use Eclipse PTP
> and sdm enviroment), then after inicjalization variable "sndFile" has
> "no value" not "NULL" . Unfortunatelly sndFile has still the same
> value to the end of program :(.
> What do you mean by sndFile has "no value"?  There isn't a special "no
> value" value to a variable unless you are debugging a code that somehow had
> some variable optimized out at the particular line you are interested in.
> Declarations:
>               FILE            *outfile = NULL ;
>               SF_INFO         sfinfo ;
>               SNDFILE         *sndFile= NULL;
> Very interesting is , that "sfinfo" from the same library  works perfect.
> At the end of this story, I modified the program without MPI , then
> compiled it by gcc (not mpicc) and it works fine (in debuger sndFile
> has proper value).
> So it seems you believe mpicc is doing something wrong when all mpicc is is
> a wrapper to a compiler.  Maybe doing a "mpicc --showme" will give you an
> idea what compiler and options mpicc is passing to the compiler.  This
> should give you an idea  the difference between your gcc and mpicc
> compilation.  I would suspect either mpicc is using a compiler significantly
> different than gcc or that mpicc might be passing some optimization
> parameter that is messing the code execution (just a guess).
> I hope, now is clear.
> Not really.
> --td
> 2012/7/30 TERRY DONTJE <>:
> I am not sure I am understanding the problem correctly so let me describe it
> back to you with a couple clarifications.
> So your program using sf_open compiles successfully when using gcc and
> mpicc.  However, when you run the executable compiled using mpicc sndFile is
> null?
> If the above is right can you tell us how you ran the code?
> Will the code run ok if ran with "mpirun -np 1" on the same machine you run
> the gcc code normally?
> When the mpicc compiled code sf_open call returns NULL what does the
> successive sf_strerror report?
> My wild guess is when you run the mpicc compiled code one of the processes
> is on a node that doesn't have access to the file passed to sf_open.
> --td
> On 7/28/2012 1:08 PM, Paweł Jaromin wrote:
> Hello all
> Because I try make a program to parallel procesing sound files, I use
> libsndfile library to load and write wav files. Sytuation is strange,
> because when I compile the program by gcc is good (no parallel), but
> if I do it by mpicc is a problem with sndFile variable.
>    // Open sound file
>    SF_INFO sndInfo;
>    SNDFILE *sndFile = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, &sndInfo);
>    if (sndFile == NULL) {
>       fprintf(stderr, "Error reading source file '%s': %s\n", argv[1],
> sf_strerror(sndFile));
>       return 1;
>    }
> This code run witout an error, but variable is "No value"
> Maybe somone can help me ??
> --
> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
> Oracle - Performance Technologies
> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
> Email
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> --
> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
> Oracle - Performance Technologies
> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
> Email
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Paweł Jaromin

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