At the scale you address you should have no trouble with the C/R if
the file system is correctly configured. We get more bandwidth per
node out of an NFS over 1Gb/s at 32 nodes. Have you run some parallel
benchmarks on your cluster ?


PS: You can some MPI I/O benchmarks at

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Ralph Castain <> wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Maxime Boissonneault 
> <> wrote:
>> Le 2013-01-28 13:15, Ralph Castain a écrit :
>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Maxime Boissonneault 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Le 2013-01-28 12:46, Ralph Castain a écrit :
>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 8:25 AM, Maxime Boissonneault 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Ralph,
>>>>>> I agree that ideally, someone would implement checkpointing in the 
>>>>>> application itself, but that is not always possible (commercial 
>>>>>> applications, use of complicated libraries, algorithms with no clear 
>>>>>> progression points at which you can interrupt the algorithm and start it 
>>>>>> back from there).
>>>>> Hmmm...well, most apps can be adjusted to support it - we have some very 
>>>>> complex apps that were updated that way. Commercial apps are another 
>>>>> story, but we frankly don't find much call for checkpointing those as 
>>>>> they typically just don't run long enough - especially if you are only 
>>>>> running 256 ranks, so your cluster is small. Failure rates just don't 
>>>>> justify it in such cases, in our experience.
>>>>> Is there some particular reason why you feel you need checkpointing?
>>>> This specific case is that the jobs run for days. The risk of a hardware 
>>>> or power failure for that kind of duration goes too high (we allow for no 
>>>> more than 48 hours of run time).
>>> I'm surprised by that - we run with UPS support on the clusters, but for a 
>>> small one like you describe, we find the probability that a job will be 
>>> interrupted even during a multi-week app is vanishingly small.
>>> FWIW: I do work with the financial industry where we regularly run apps 
>>> that execute non-stop for about a month with no reported failures. Are you 
>>> actually seeing failures, or are you anticipating them?
>> While our filesystem and management nodes are on UPS, our compute nodes are 
>> not. With one average generic (power/cooling mostly) failure every one or 
>> two months, running for weeks is just asking for trouble.
> Wow, that is high
>> If you add to that typical dimm/cpu/networking failures (I estimated about 1 
>> node goes down per day because of some sort hardware failure, for a cluster 
>> of 960 nodes).
> That is incredibly high
>> With these numbers, a job running on 32 nodes for 7 days has a ~35% chance 
>> of failing before it is done.
> I've never seen anything like that behavior in practice - a 32 node cluster 
> typically runs for quite a few months without a failure. It is a typical size 
> for the financial sector, so we have a LOT of experience with such clusters.
> I suspect you won't see anything like that behavior...
>> Having 24GB of ram per node, even if a 32 nodes job takes close to 100% of 
>> the ram, that's merely 640 GB of data. Writing that on a lustre filesystem 
>> capable of reaching ~15GB/s should take no more than a few minutes if 
>> written correctly. Right now, I am getting a few minutes for a hundredth of 
>> this amount of data!
> Agreed - but I don't think you'll get that bandwidth for checkpointing. I 
> suspect you'll find that checkpointing really has troubles when scaling, 
> which is why you don't see it used in production (at least, I haven't). 
> Mostly used for research by a handful of organizations, which is why we 
> haven't been too concerned about its loss.
>>>> While it is true we can dig through the code of the library to make it 
>>>> checkpoint, BLCR checkpointing just seemed easier.
>>> I see - just be aware that checkpoint support in OMPI will disappear in 
>>> v1.7 and there is no clear timetable for restoring it.
>> That is very good to know. Thanks for the information. It is too bad though.
>>>>>> There certainly must be a better way to write the information down on 
>>>>>> disc though. Doing 500 IOPs seems to be completely broken. Why isn't 
>>>>>> there buffering involved ?
>>>>> I don't know - that's all done in BLCR, I believe. Either way, it isn't 
>>>>> something we can address due to the loss of our supporter for c/r.
>>>> I suppose I should contact BLCR instead then.
>>> For the disk op problem, I think that's the way to go - though like I said, 
>>> I could be wrong and the disk writes could be something we do inside OMPI. 
>>> I'm not familiar enough with the c/r code to state it with certainty.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Maxime
>>>>> Sorry we can't be of more help :-(
>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Maxime
>>>>>> Le 2013-01-28 10:58, Ralph Castain a écrit :
>>>>>>> Our c/r person has moved on to a different career path, so we may not 
>>>>>>> have anyone who can answer this question.
>>>>>>> What we can say is that checkpointing at any significant scale will 
>>>>>>> always be a losing proposition. It just takes too long and hammers the 
>>>>>>> file system. People have been working on extending the capability with 
>>>>>>> things like "burst buffers" (basically putting an SSD in front of the 
>>>>>>> file system to absorb the checkpoint surge), but that hasn't become 
>>>>>>> very common yet.
>>>>>>> Frankly, what people have found to be the "best" solution is for your 
>>>>>>> app to periodically write out its intermediate results, and then take a 
>>>>>>> flag that indicates "read prior results" when it starts. This minimizes 
>>>>>>> the amount of data being written to the disk. If done correctly, you 
>>>>>>> would only lose whatever work was done since the last intermediate 
>>>>>>> result was written - which is about equivalent to losing whatever works 
>>>>>>> was done since the last checkpoint.
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 7:47 AM, Maxime Boissonneault 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> I am doing checkpointing tests (with BLCR) with an MPI application 
>>>>>>>> compiled with OpenMPI 1.6.3, and I am seeing behaviors that are quite 
>>>>>>>> strange.
>>>>>>>> First, some details about the tests :
>>>>>>>> - The only filesystem available on the nodes are 1) one tmpfs, 2) one 
>>>>>>>> lustre shared filesystem (tested to be able to provide ~15GB/s for 
>>>>>>>> writing and support ~40k IOPs).
>>>>>>>> - The job was running with 8 or 16 MPI ranks on nodes with 8 cores (1 
>>>>>>>> or 2 nodes). Each MPI rank was using approximately 200MB of memory.
>>>>>>>> - I was doing checkpoints with ompi-checkpoint and restarting with 
>>>>>>>> ompi-restart.
>>>>>>>> - I was starting with mpirun -am ft-enable-cr
>>>>>>>> - The nodes are monitored by ganglia, which allows me to see the 
>>>>>>>> number of IOPs and the read/write speed on the filesystem.
>>>>>>>> I tried a few different mca settings, but I consistently observed that 
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> - The checkpoints lasted ~4-5 minutes each time
>>>>>>>> - During checkpoint, each node (8 ranks) was doing ~500 IOPs, and 
>>>>>>>> writing at ~15MB/s.
>>>>>>>> I am worried by the number of IOPs and the very slow writing speed. 
>>>>>>>> This was a very small test. We have jobs running with 128 or 256 MPI 
>>>>>>>> ranks, each using 1-2 GB of ram per rank. With such jobs, the overall 
>>>>>>>> number of IOPs would reach tens of thousands and would completely 
>>>>>>>> overload our lustre filesystem. Moreover, with 15MB/s per node, the 
>>>>>>>> checkpointing process would take hours.
>>>>>>>> How can I improve on that ? Is there an MCA setting that I am missing ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Maxime Boissonneault
>>>>>>>> Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
>>>>>>>> Ph. D. en physique
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>> Maxime Boissonneault
>>>>>> Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
>>>>>> Ph. D. en physique
>>>> --
>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>> Maxime Boissonneault
>>>> Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
>>>> Ph. D. en physique
>> --
>> ---------------------------------
>> Maxime Boissonneault
>> Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
>> Ph. D. en physique
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