On 02/09/13 00:32, Ralph Castain wrote:
On Feb 6, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Eugene Loh <eugene....@oracle.com> wrote:

On 02/06/13 04:29, Siegmar Gross wrote:
thank you very much for your answer. I have compiled your program
and get different behaviours for openmpi-1.6.4rc3 and openmpi-1.9.
I think what's happening is that although you specified "0:0" or "0:1" in the rankfile, the string 
"0,0" or "0,1" is getting passed in (at least in the runs I looked at).  That colon became a comma. 
 So, it's just by accident that myrankfile_0 is working out all right.

Could someone who knows the code better than I do help me narrow this down?  
E.g., where is the rankfile parsed?  For what it's worth, by the time mpirun 
reaches orte_odls_base_default_get_add_procs_data(), orte_job_data already 
contains the corrupted cpu_bitmap string.

You'll want to look at orte/mca/rmaps/rank_file/rmaps_rank_file.c - the bit map 
is now computed in mpirun and then sent to the daemons

Actually, I'm getting lost in this code. Anyhow, I don't think the problem is related to Solaris. I think it's also on Linux. E.g., I can reproduce the problem with 1.9a1r28035 on Linux using GCC compilers.

Siegmar: can you confirm this is a problem also on Linux?  E.g., with OMPI 1.9, 
on one of your Linux nodes (linpc0?) try

    % cat myrankfile
    rank 0=linpc0 slot=0:1
    % mpirun --report-bindings --rankfile myrankfile numactl --show

For me, the binding I get is not 0:1 but 0,1.

Could someone else take a look at this?

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