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On Oct 30, 2013, at 6:22 PM, Jim Parker <> wrote:

> Jeff and Ralph,
>   Ok, I downshifted to a helloWorld example (attached), bottom line after I 
> hit the MPI_Recv call, my local variable (rank) gets borked.
> I have compiled with -m64 -fdefault-integer-8 and even have assigned kind=8 
> to the integers (which would be the preferred method in my case)
> Your help is appreciated.
> Cheers,
> --Jim
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <> 
> wrote:
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Jim Parker <> wrote:
> >   I have recently built a cluster that uses the 64-bit indexing feature of 
> > OpenMPI following the directions at
> >
> That should be correct (i.e., passing -i8 in FFLAGS and FCFLAGS for OMPI 
> 1.6.x).
> > My question is what are the new prototypes for the MPI calls ?
> > specifically
> > MPI_Allgathterv
> They're the same as they've always been.
> The magic is that the -i8 flag tells the compiler "make all Fortran INTEGERs 
> be 8 bytes, not (the default) 4."  So Ralph's answer was correct in that all 
> the MPI parameters are INTEGERs -- but you can tell the compiler that all 
> INTEGERs are 8 bytes, not 4, and therefore get "large" integers.
> Note that this means that you need to compile your application with -i8, too. 
>  That will make *your* INTEGERs also be 8 bytes, and then you'll match what 
> Open MPI is doing.
> > I'm curious because some off my local variables get killed (set to null) 
> > upon my first call to MPI_RECV.  Typically, this is due (in Fortran) to 
> > someone not setting the 'status' variable to an appropriate array size.
> If you didn't compile your application with -i8, this could well be because 
> your application is treating INTEGERs as 4 bytes, but OMPI is treating 
> INTEGERs as 8 bytes.  Nothing good can come from that.
> If you *did* compile your application with -i8 and you're seeing this kind of 
> wonkyness, we should dig deeper and see what's going on.
> > My review of mpif.h and mpi.h seem to indicate that the functions are 
> > defined as C int types and therefore , I assume, the coercion during the 
> > compile makes the library support 64-bit indexing.  ie. int -> long int
> FWIW: We actually define a type MPI_Fint; its actual type is determined by 
> configure (int or long int, IIRC).  When your Fortran code calls C, we use 
> the MPI_Fint type for parameters, and so it will be either a 4 or 8 byte 
> integer type.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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Jeff Squyres
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