On Nov 13, 2013, at 21:05 , Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:25 PM, George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:
>>> However, the key here is that MPI_STATUS_SIZE is set to be the size of a 
>>> ***C*** MPI_Status (but expressed in units of Fortran INTEGER size -- so in 
>>> the sizeof(int)==sizeof(INTEGER)==4 case, MPI_STATUS_SIZE is 6.  But in the 
>>> sizeof(int)==4, sizeof(INTEGER)==8 case, MPI_STATUS_SIZE is 3.
>>> That being said, we *could* change this so that MPI_STATUS_SIZE is always 
>>> 6, and have the C<—>Fortran status routines just do the Right Thing 
>>> depending on the size/type of ompi_fortran_integer_t.
>> Indeed. We can have an Fortran MPI_Status (only in the Fortran interface) 
>> that will be 3 ompi_fortran_integer_t, and alter the translation macros to 
>> do the right thing (translate from C int to the chosen Fortran int).
> I'm not sure I understand what you're proposing: what you say sounds like 
> what we do today:
> - in the sizeof(int)==sizeof(INTEGER)==4 case, everything is the same size, 
> and nothing special needs to be done

Yes for this part.

> - in the sizeof(int)==4, sizeof(INTEGER)==8 case, the Fortran status size is 
> 3, but the C<->Fortran stuff still basically does a memcpy from the C 
> MPI_Status to the Fortran array (meaning: the C int’s are not upsized to be 
> fortran INTEGERs).

No. The Fortran status must __always__ be 6, because we need enough room to 
correctly convert the 3 useful variables to Fortran, plus copy the rest of the 
hidden things.These 6 type will be INTEGER (which will then be different than 
the C int). The C<->F stuff will do not a memcpy but copy all elements while 
casting to the correct Fortran type (ompi_fortran_integer_t).

The fact that we are talking about 3 integers in the Fortran status might 
explain the segfault. This number should never be 3 it should be ALWAYS 6 or 
the function MPI_Status_c2f will clearly overwrite the memory.


> -- 
> Jeff Squyres
> jsquy...@cisco.com
> For corporate legal information go to: 
> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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