Thank you Oscar. I was using an earlier nightly tarball and in it there was
MPI.OBJECT datatype, which I could use with any serializable complex
object. It seems this is no longer supported as per your answer or did I
get it wrong?

Thank you,

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Oscar Vega-Gisbert <>wrote:

> Hi,
> If you are talking about types as ArrayList<Double>, it is not possible,
> because the Double (D uppercase) is an object which encapsulates a double.
> And the elements of an ArrayList are references (pointers) to Java objects.
> You can use complex types but you must create them with the Datatype
> methods (createVector, createStruct,...). And the buffers that hold the
> data must be arrays of a primitive type or direct buffers.
> Regards,
> Oscar
> Quoting Saliya Ekanayake <>:
>  Hi,
>> Is it possible to use non-primitive types with MPI operations in OpenMPI's
>> Java binding? At the moment in the trunk I only see Datatypes for
>> primitive
>> kinds.
>> Thank you,
>> Saliya
>> --
>> Saliya Ekanayake
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