On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 06:34:20PM -0300, Fabricio Cannini wrote:
> Em 15-05-2014 07:29, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) escreveu:
> >I think Ralph's email summed it up pretty well -- we unfortunately have (at 
> >least) two distinct groups of people who install OMPI:
> >
> >a) those who know exactly what they want and don't want anything else
> >b) those who don't know exactly what they want and prefer to have everything 
> >installed, and have OMPI auto-select at run time exactly what to use based 
> >on the system on which it's running
> >
> >We've traditionally catered to the b) crowd, and made some 
> >not-very-easy-to-use capabilities for the a) crowd (i.e., you can manually 
> >disable each plugin you don't want to build via configure, but the syntax is 
> >fairly laborious).
> >
> >Ralph and I talked about the possibility of something analogous to "make 
> >menuconfig" for Linux kernels, where you get a menu-like system (UI TBD) to 
> >pick exactly what options you want/don't want.  That will output a text 
> >config file that can be fed to configure, something along the lines of
> >
> >   ./configure --only-build-exactly-this-stuff=file-output-from-menuconfig
> >
> >This idea is *very* rough; I anticipate that it will change quite a bit over 
> >time, and it'll take us a bit of time to design and implement it.
> Please allow me to chip in my $0.02 and suggest to not reinvent the wheel,
> but instead consider to migrate the build system to cmake :

Umm, no.

IMHO, CMake has its own set of issues. So, its likely not going to happen.

-Nathan Hjelm

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