Hi Ralph and list

I am no developer, but my impression is that,
paraphrasing Mark Twain,
the reports about the death of the
Environment Modules (http://modules.sourceforge.net/)
package have been exaggerated.
That presumed death/obsolescence has been
repeated a few times on the OMPI list,
which has a big intersection with the Environment Modules
actual and potential users,
a statement which IMHO is inaccurate, to say the least.

The Environment Modules repository has 2014 entries:


The Environment Modules mailing list is active as well:


The Environment Modules package user base is not negligible,
including many universities, research centers, national labs,
ans private companies, in the US and around the world.
How does the user base of LMod compare?

Regardless of any virtues that LMod may have,
currently I don't see any reason to switch to LMod,
install everything over again, troubleshoot it,
learn Lua, migrate my modules from Tcl,
educate my users and convince them to use a new
package to achieve the same exact thing that they currently have,
and in the end gain little if any
relevant/useful/new functionality.

My two cents of opinion
Gus Correa

On 08/05/2014 12:54 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
Check the repo - hasn't been touched in a very long time

On Aug 5, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Fabricio Cannini <fcann...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 05-08-2014 13:10, Ralph Castain wrote:
Since modules isn't a supported s/w package any more, you might consider using 
LMOD instead:


Modules isn't supported anymore? :O

Could you please send a link about it ?
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