The Environment Modules package user base is not negligible,
including many universities, research centers, national labs,
ans private companies, in the US and around the world.
How does the user base of LMod compare?

The user base certainly is much larger for Environment Modules than LMod.
But, as a user of both Lmod and Environment Modules, I can tell you the following :
Regardless of any virtues that LMod may have,
currently I don't see any reason to switch to LMod,
install everything over again
Nothing needs reinstalling. Lmod understands Tcl modules and can work fine with your old module tree.
, troubleshoot it,
learn Lua, migrate my modules from Tcl,
Again, migration to Lua is not required. Tcl modules gets converted on the fly.
educate my users and convince them to use a new
package to achieve the same exact thing that they currently have,
Very little education has to be done. The commands are the same :
module avail
module load/add
module unload/remove
module use
and in the end gain little if any
relevant/useful/new functionality.
If you do not want to make any changes, in the way you organize modules, then don't. You will also get no benefit from changing to Lmod in that situation.

If you do want to use new features, then there are plenty. Most notably is
- the possibility to organize modules in hierarchy (which you do not HAVE to do, but in my opinion, is much more intuitive). - the possibility to cache the module structure (and avoid reading it from a parallel filesystem every time a user type a module command). - the possibility to color-code modules so that users can find what they want easier out of hundreds of modules

IF you do use hierarchy, you get the added benefit of avoiding user mistakes such as

module load gcc openmpi_gcc
module unload gcc
module load intel

... why is my MPI not working!

IF you do use hierarchy, you get the added benefit of not having silly module names such as

Again, you do NOT have to, but the benefits much outweight the changes that need to be made to get them.

My 2 cents,

Maxime Boissonneault

My two cents of opinion
Gus Correa

On 08/05/2014 12:54 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
Check the repo - hasn't been touched in a very long time

On Aug 5, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Fabricio Cannini <> wrote:

On 05-08-2014 13:10, Ralph Castain wrote:
Since modules isn't a supported s/w package any more, you might consider using LMOD instead:

Modules isn't supported anymore? :O

Could you please send a link about it ?
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Maxime Boissonneault
Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
Ph. D. en physique

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