ok i have to wait until tomorrow, they have some problems with the network...

On 09/18/2014 01:27 PM, Nick Papior Andersen wrote:
I am not sure whether test will cover this... You should check it...

I here attach my example script which shows two working cases, and one not workning (you can check the memory usage simultaneously and see that the first two works, the last one goes ballistic in memory).

Just check it with test to see if it works...

2014-09-18 13:20 GMT+02:00 XingFENG <xingf...@cse.unsw.edu.au <mailto:xingf...@cse.unsw.edu.au>>:

    Thanks very much for your reply!

    To Sir Jeff Squyres:

    I think it fails due to truncation errors. I am now logging
    information of each send and receive to find out the reason.

    To Sir Nick Papior Andersen:

    Oh, wait (mpi_wait) is never called in my codes.

    What I do is to call MPI_Irecv once. Then MPI_Test is called
    several times to check whether new messages are available. If new
    messages are available, some functions to process these messages
    are called.

    I will add the wait function and check the running results.

    On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:47 PM, Nick Papior Andersen
    <nickpap...@gmail.com <mailto:nickpap...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        In complement to Jeff, I would add that using asynchronous
        messages REQUIRES that you wait (mpi_wait) for all messages at
        some point. Even though this might not seem obvious it is due
        to memory allocation "behind the scenes" which are only
        de-allocated upon completion through a wait statement.

        2014-09-18 12:36 GMT+02:00 Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
        <jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>>:

            On Sep 18, 2014, at 2:43 AM, XingFENG
            <mailto:xingf...@cse.unsw.edu.au>> wrote:

            > a. How to get more information about errors? I got
            errors like below. This says that program exited
            abnormally in function MPI_Test(). But is there a way to
            know more about the error?
            > *** An error occurred in MPI_Test
            > *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
            > *** MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: message truncated
            > *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL: your MPI job will now abort

            For the purpose of this discussion, let's take a
            simplification that you are sending and receiving the same
            datatypes (e.g., you're sending MPI_INT and you're
            receiving MPI_INT).

            This error means that you tried to receive message with
            too small a buffer.

            Specifically, MPI says that if you send a message that is
            X element long (e.g., 20 MPI_INTs), then the matching
            receive must be Y elements, where Y>=X (e.g., *at least*
            20 MPI_INTs).  If the receiver provides a Y where Y<X,
            this is a truncation error.

            Unfortunately, Open MPI doesn't report a whole lot more
            information about these kinds of errors than what you're
            seeing, sorry.

            > b. Are there anything to note about asynchronous
            communication? I use MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv, MPI_Test to
            implement asynchronous communication. My program works
            well on small data sets(10K nodes graphs), but it exits
            abnormally on large data set (1M nodes graphs).

            Is it failing due to truncation errors, or something else?

            Jeff Squyres
            jsquy...@cisco.com <mailto:jsquy...@cisco.com>
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