Well it says

MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype

so I guess you have done something wrong. ;)

You should debug as much as you can your self.
1) Check that your type-creation calls actually proceed as expected
2) Check that your type-commit actually proceed as expected
3) Telling us that "it is not working" does not tell us anything! You have
probably changed the code several times since you started with some
corrections, hence we cannot see if you have introduced other errors.

2014-10-03 13:38 GMT+00:00 Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>:

> Dear Nick,
> after that I call:
> but I have the following error
> [diedroLap:16824] *** An error occurred in MPI_Sendrecv
> [diedroLap:16824] *** reported by process [139856324001793,139852725092354]
> [diedroLap:16824] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
> [diedroLap:16824] *** MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
> [diedroLap:16824] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator
> will now abort,
> [diedroLap:16824] ***    and potentially your MPI job)
> Do you know something about this errors?
> Thanks again
> Diego
> On 3 October 2014 15:29, Nick Papior Andersen <nickpap...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Yes, I guess this is correct. Testing is easy! Try testing!
>> As I stated, I do not know enough about the custom type in MPI, this was
>> my hunch feeling...
>> 2014-10-03 13:23 GMT+00:00 Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> thanks again.
>>> After reading your post I have thought to compile as
>>> mpif90 -r8 *.f90
>>> and to have this type variable
>>> TYPE tParticle
>>>     SEQUENCE
>>>     INTEGER :: ip
>>>     INTEGER :: fake
>>>     REAL    :: RP(2)
>>>     REAL    :: QQ(4)
>>> END TYPE tParticle
>>> where I use fake to have 4 + 4 bytes, and then I have
>>> nBLOCKS(1)=2
>>> nBLOCKS(2)=2
>>> nBLOCKS(3)=4
>>> Am I wrong? Do I have correctly understood?
>> Really Really thanks
>>> Diego
>>> On 3 October 2014 15:10, Nick Papior Andersen <nickpap...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 2014-10-03 13:00 GMT+00:00 Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Dear all, dear Nick,
>>>>> thanks lot.
>>>>> I have understood something, so I have create this variable type:
>>>>>   TYPE tParticle
>>>>>     SEQUENCE
>>>>>     INTEGER :: ip
>>>>>     INTEGER :: fake
>>>>>     REAL    :: RP(2)
>>>>>     REAL    :: QQ(4)
>>>>>   END TYPE tParticle
>>>> But did it work? :) Remember to tell mpi about the padding (add one
>>>> more type).
>>>> Also, for cosmetic reasons I would do this:
>>>> TYPE tParticle
>>>> sequence
>>>> integer :: ip
>>>> real :: rp(2), qq(4)
>>>> integer :: pad
>>>> end type
>>>>> In the point number 2, do you mean to insert some align options?
>>>> Search around for your compiler. However, this will be "forcing" your
>>>> program to certain compilers, I would not recommend this (unless you have
>>>> specific reasons anyway).
>>>>> For the point number 3, I do not understand where where I am wrong.
>>>>> This is my code
>>>>>      TYPES(1)=MPI_INTEGER
>>>> Here it is wrong.
>>>> If you compile with -i8 your integer is not an integer, but a long.
>>>> Your displacements should be correct, but not your designation of the
>>>> data-type for mpi.
>>>>>      nBLOCKS(1)=2
>>>>>      nBLOCKS(2)=2
>>>>>      nBLOCKS(3)=4
>>>>>      DISPLACEMENTS(1)=0
>>>>>      DISPLACEMENTS(2)=sizeof(dummy%ip)+sizeof(dummy%fake)
>>>>> DISPLACEMENTS(3)=sizeof(dummy%ip)+sizeof(dummy%fake)+sizeof(dummy%RP(1))+sizeof(dummy%RP(2))
>>>>>      CALL
>>>>> This is how I compile
>>>>> mpif90 -r8 *.f90
>>>> No, that was not what you said!
>>>> You said you compiled it using:
>>>> mpif90 -r8 -i8 *.f90
>>>>> Again, really really Thanks
>>>>> Diego
>>>>> On 3 October 2014 14:30, Nick Papior Andersen <nickpap...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I would never compile a fortran program relying on a specific
>>>>>> compiler option! I would never use r8/i8!
>>>>>> I would highly encourage you to explicitly set the precision of each
>>>>>> variable if you need specific variable precision. There are plenty of
>>>>>> tutorials around for this (selected_real/int_kind).
>>>>>> Secondly, the warning of mis-alignment is due to the data type not
>>>>>> being a multiple of 8. You can pad it with additional bytes to reach a
>>>>>> multiple of 8 (in this case add a fake integer, or character(len=4)).
>>>>>> I do not know if sequence is needed for the mpi data type (I guess it
>>>>>> is needed when dealing with arrays of types, but again, I am not fully 
>>>>>> sure
>>>>>> about this...).
>>>>>> A couple of options:
>>>>>> 1) I think sequence should work if you pad it to align with 8 bytes.
>>>>>> 2) add code that is directive specified against the compiler to tell
>>>>>> the exact alignment of the data type
>>>>>> 3) Your compilation of -r8 -i8 does probably not work due to the
>>>>>> integer being long, and hence your data type of MPI_INTEGER (you did not
>>>>>> tell us whether you corrected this)
>>>>>> 2014-10-03 11:07 GMT+00:00 Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Dears,
>>>>>>> First of all. Really really thanks for you help, I am learning a lot.
>>>>>>> Second:
>>>>>>> I try to study the MPI_TYPE_CREATE_STRUCT and all the things look
>>>>>>> correct.
>>>>>>> I use Intel Fortran compiler and when I compile with -r8 means that
>>>>>>> I am compiling in double precision.
>>>>>>> About Nick suggestion:
>>>>>>> Coding
>>>>>>>   TYPE tParticle
>>>>>>>     SEQUENCE
>>>>>>>     INTEGER :: ip
>>>>>>>     REAL    :: RP(2)
>>>>>>>     REAL    :: QQ(4)
>>>>>>>   END TYPE tParticle
>>>>>>> if I compile with
>>>>>>> mpif90 -r8  *.f90
>>>>>>> I get the following error:
>>>>>>> warning #6379: The structure contains one or more misaligned fields.
>>>>>>>   [TPARTICLE] TYPE tParticle
>>>>>>> I can only compile as:
>>>>>>> mpif90 -r8 -i8 *.f90
>>>>>>> But I get the same error:
>>>>>>> An error occurred in MPI_Cart_create
>>>>>>> [diedroLap:12267] *** reported by process
>>>>>>> [139817172008961,139814070386689]
>>>>>>> [diedroLap:12267] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
>>>>>>> [diedroLap:12267] *** MPI_ERR_OTHER: known error not in list
>>>>>>> [diedroLap:12267] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this
>>>>>>> communicator will now abort,
>>>>>>> [diedroLap:12267] ***    and potentially your MPI job)
>>>>>>> What I can do?
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>>>> On 3 October 2014 08:15, Nick Papior Andersen <nickpap...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> sequence
>>>>>>> Diego
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>>>> Kind regards Nick
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>> --
>> Kind regards Nick
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Kind regards Nick

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