On Oct 3, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all, Dear Jeff,
> when I use 
> use MPI, I get
> /tmp/ifortiW8IBH.i90: catastrophic error: **Internal compiler error: 
> segmentation violation signal raised** Please report this error along with 
> the circumstances in which it occurred in a Software Problem Report.  Note: 
> File and line given may not be explicit cause of this error.
> compilation aborted for SPH_MPI.f90 (code 1)

Sounds like you need to upgrade your compiler to get the latest updates/bug 

> If i use "use mpi_f08", I get
> SPH_MPI.f90(43): error #6285: There is no matching specific subroutine for 
> this generic subroutine call.   [MPI_CART_CREATE]
> (MPI_COMM_WORLD,ndims,dims,periods,.TRUE.,COMM_CART,MPI%iErr)
> --------^

Sounds like you might have mistakes in this part of the code.

But note that mpi_f08 involves *changes* to your code, compared to the mpif.h 
and mpi interfaces -- all MPI handles, for example, have distinct types now -- 
they're not integers.  For example, you'll need something like this:

  type(MPI_Comm) :: COMM_CART

> about mpif90 -r8 *.f90
> when I istalled open MPI I run
> ./configure --prefix/opt/openmpi cc=icc cxx=icpc f77=ifort FC=ifort

F77 is ignored these days; FC is the only one that matters.  And I assume "cc" 
and "cxx" were typos; I assume you actually used "CC" and "CXX", right?

If you're going to compile your application with -r8, then you need to 
configure OMPI with -r8, e.g., add "FCFLAGS=-r8" in there.  I don't remember 
what that other flag was you specified offhand, but if it's important, then you 
need to specify it on the configure command line, for whichever compiler flags 
are relevant.

Jeff Squyres
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