
in this case, you can
mpirun --mca oob ^ud ...
in order to blacklist the oob/ud component.

an alternative is to add
oob = ^ud
in /.../etc/openmpi-mca-params.conf

If Open MPI is installed on a local filesystem, then this setting can
be node specific.

That being said, the error suggest mca_oob_ud.so is a module from a
previous install,
Open MPI was not built on the system it is running, or libibverbs.so.1
has been removed after
Open MPI was built.
So I do encourage you to take a step back, and think if you can find a
better solution for your site.



On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:37 AM, Michael Di Domenico
<mdidomeni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i'm trying to compile openmpi to support all of our interconnects,
> psm/openib/mxm/etc
> this works fine, openmpi finds all the libs, compiles and runs on each
> of the respective machines
> however, we don't install the libraries for everything everywhere
> so when i run things like ompi_info and mpirun i get
> mca_base_component_reposity_open: unable to open mca_oob_ud:
> libibverbs.so.1: cannot open shared object file: no such file or
> directory (ignored)
> and so on, for a bunch of other libs.
> i understand how the lib linking works so this isn't unexpected and
> doesn't stop the mpi programs from running.
> here's the part i don't understand, how can i trace the above warning
> and others like it back the required --mca parameters i need to add
> into the configuration to make the warnings go away?
> as an aside, i believe i can set most of them via environment
> variables as well as the command, but what i really like to do is set
> them from a file.  i know i can create a default param file, but is
> there a way to feed a param file at invocation depending where mpirun
> is being run?
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