On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 6:26 PM Bert Wesarg <bert.wes...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear Jeff,
> did not attend SC this year. Though I have a question regarding the
> removal of deprecated MPI-1 functions.
> The slides mention that "NOT PROTOYPED IN v4.0.x mpi.h BY DEFAULT" but
>  "Can use --enable-mpi1-compatibility to restore the removed mpi.h
> prototypes"
> I just build the new Open MPI 4.0.0, without knoladge of this fact,
> though not with --enable-mpi1-compatibility. But My mpi.h still has
> the prototypes, i.e., MPI_Attr_out etc. pp
> OMPI_DECLSPEC  int MPI_Attr_delete(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval)
>             __mpi_interface_deprecated__("MPI_Attr_delete was
> deprecated in MPI-2.0; use MPI_Comm_delete_attr instead");
> OMPI_DECLSPEC  int PMPI_Attr_delete(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval)
>             __mpi_interface_deprecated__("PMPI_Attr_delete was
> deprecated in MPI-2.0; use PMPI_Comm_delete_attr instead");
> But the libmpi.so does not have the symbols at all. Which is not
> surprising by looking at the code of ompi/mpi/c/Makefile.am"
> libmpi_c_mpi_la_SOURCES += \
>         address.c \
>         attr_delete.c \
>         attr_get.c \
>         attr_put.c \
>         errhandler_create.c \
>         errhandler_get.c \
>         errhandler_set.c \
>         keyval_create.c \
>         keyval_free.c \
>         type_extent.c \
>         type_hindexed.c \
>         type_hvector.c \
>         type_lb.c \
>         type_struct.c \
>         type_ub.c
> endif
> Is this the expected situation?

I think this commit broke it:


It should have reverted parts of the Makefile.am changes too.

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