It is also wise to create a "tmp" directory under your home directory, and 
reset TMPDIR to point there. Avoiding use of the system tmpdir is highly 
advisable under Mac OS, especially Catalina.

On Feb 6, 2020, at 4:09 PM, Gutierrez, Samuel K. via users 
< <> > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I fear that files created with shm_open(), a call used in the posix shmem 
component, are not being cleaned up properly. To test this theory, can you 
please reboot your computer and try again? Rebooting should remove any 
temporary files created with shm_open().


On Feb 6, 2020, at 4:34 PM, Jin Tao via users < 
<> > wrote:


I am running Open MPI on Mac OS Catalina and am running into an issue.

- I installed Open MPI and everything seemed to be working fine until a few 
hours ago.

- I make and run with the terminal command:

 make &&  mpiexec --mca shmem posix --oversubscribe -np 8 main.out

- When I do this, I get the following error:

opal_shmem_base_select failed
--> Returned value -1 instead of OPAL_SUCCESS

- If i remove some of the compiler flags, and run as follows, I get another 

schmem: posix: file name search - max attempts exceeded.cannot continue with 

- In fact, now the program fails to compile at all, and just hangs when I run 
the make and run command outlined earlier.

The program was running correctly earlier today. Could someone please advise? I 
am new to MPI and would ideally like to develop a lot of skill in using this 
library for my work.


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