On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 11:13 AM Pritchard Jr., Howard <howa...@lanl.gov> wrote:
> https://github.com/Sandia-OpenSHMEM/SOS
> if you want to use OpenSHMEM over OPA.
> If you have lots of cycles for development work, you could write an OFI SPML 
> for the  OSHMEM component of Open MPI.

thanks, i am aware of the sandia version.  the devs in my organization
don't really use shmem, but there was a call for it recently.  i
hadn't even noticed shmem didn't build on our opa cluster.  for now we
have a smaller mellanox cluster they can build against.

my ability to code an spml is nil.  but if we had more interest from
the internal devs i'd certainly be willing to fund someone to do it..

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