Instead of using if(tid==0) you should use the fortran equivalent of:
#pragma omp masked
#pragma omp master
For pre-omp-5.1 code

This way you don't need to rely on preprocessor magic using the _OPENMP macro. 
At the same time you better express your intended OpenMP semantics.

- Joachim
From: users <> on behalf of Angel de Vicente 
via users <>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:31:38 PM
To: Keller, Rainer <>
Cc: Angel de Vicente <>; Open MPI Users 
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Help diagnosing MPI+OpenMP application segmentation 
fault only when run with --bind-to none


"Keller, Rainer" <> writes:

> You’re using MPI_Probe() with Threads; that’s not safe.
> Please consider using MPI_Mprobe() together with MPI_Mrecv().

many thanks for the suggestion. I will try with the M variants, though I
was under the impression that mpi_probe() was OK as far as one made sure
that the source and tag matched between the mpi_probe() and the
mpi_recv() calls.

As you can see below, I'm careful with that (in any case I'm not sure
the problems lies there, since the error I get is about invalid
reference in the mpi_probe call itself).

|        tid = 0
| #ifdef _OPENMP
|        tid = omp_get_thread_num()
| #endif
|        do
|           if (tid == 0) then
|              call mpi_send(my_rank, 1, mpi_integer, master, ask_job, &
|                   mpi_comm_world, mpierror)
|              call mpi_probe(master,mpi_any_tag,mpi_comm_world,stat,mpierror)
|              if (stat(mpi_tag) == stop_signal) then
|                 call mpi_recv(b_,1,mpi_integer,master,stop_signal, &
|                      mpi_comm_world,stat,mpierror)
|              else
|                 call mpi_recv(iyax,1,mpi_integer,master,give_job, &
|                      mpi_comm_world,stat,mpierror)
|              end if
|           end if
|           !$omp barrier
|           [... actual work...]

> So getting into valgrind may be of help, possibly recompiling Open MPI
> enabling valgrind-checking together with debugging options.

I was hoping to avoid this route, but it certainly is looking like I'll
have to bite the bullet...

Ángel de Vicente

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