
thanks for your help and suggestions.

At the end it was no issue with OpenMPI or with any other system stuff,
but rather a single line in our code. I thought I was doing the tests
with the -fbounds-check option, but it turns out I was not, arrrghh!! At
some point I was writing outside one of our arrays, and you can imagine
the rest... That it was happening only when I was running with
'--bind-to none' and only in my workstation brought me down all the
wrong debugging paths. Once I realized -fbounds-check was not being
used, figuring out the issue was a matter of seconds...

Our code is now happily performing the +3000 tests without a hitch.

Ángel de Vicente

Tel.: +34 922 605 747
Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/
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