Thanks for looking at this Jeff.
No, I cannot use mpirun to launch a non-MPI application.    The command
"mpirun -np 2 hostname" also hangs.

I get the following output if I add the -d  command before (I've replaced
the server with the hashtags) :

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] procdir:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] jobdir:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] top:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] top:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] tmp:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] sess_dir_cleanup: job session dir does not

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] sess_dir_cleanup: top session dir not
empty - leaving

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] procdir:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] jobdir:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] top:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] top:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] tmp:

[scotts-mbp.3500.dhcp.###:05469] [[48286,0],0] Releasing job data for

Can you recommend a way to find where mpirun gets stuck?

On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 6:06 AM Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <>

> Are you able to use mpirun to launch a non-MPI application?  E.g.:
> mpirun -np 2 hostname
> And if that works, can you run the simple example MPI apps in the
> "examples" directory of the MPI source tarball (the "hello world" and
> "ring" programs)?  E.g.:
> cd examples
> make
> mpirun -np 4 hello_c
> mpirun -np 4 ring_c
> --
> Jeff Squyres
> ________________________________________
> From: users <> on behalf of Scott Sayres
> via users <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:07 PM
> To:
> Cc: Scott Sayres
> Subject: [OMPI users] mpirun hangs on m1 mac w openmpi-4.1.3
> Hello,
> I am new to openmpi, but would like to use it for ORCA calculations, and
> plan to run codes on the 10 processors of my macbook pro.  I installed this
> manually and also through homebrew with similar results.  I am able to
> compile codes with mpicc and run them as native codes, but everything that
> I attempt with mpirun, mpiexec just freezes.  I can end the program by
> typing 'control C' twice, but it continues to run in the background and
> requires me to 'kill <pid>'.
> even as simple as 'mpirun uname' freezes
> I have tried one installation by: 'arch -arm64 brew install openmpi '
> and a second by downloading the source file, './configure
> --prefix=/usr/local', 'make all', make install
> the commands: 'which mpicc', 'which 'mpirun', etc are able to find them on
> the path... it just hangs.
> Can anyone suggest how to fix the problem of the program hanging?
> Thanks!
> Scott

Scott G Sayres
Assistant Professor
School of Molecular Sciences (formerly Department of Chemistry &
Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery
Arizona State University

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