Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
Hi Robert,

Am 17.07.2017 um 20:40 schrieb Robert A. Schmied via users 

opencsw / peter felecan

sure would be nice to have package that supplies the bits and pieces
needed for libqt4-qt3support for qt4 ver 4.8.5 if at all possible.

while trying to build qucs-0.0.19 the missing libqt4-qt3support
and all the qt3support include files are halting further progress.

Just to get this right: you just need an additional configure option for the
existing package so a respin should be sufficient?

aloha Dago

well now i'm a bit confused.  i was(am) trying to compile locally, not on or
for opencsw, qucs-0.0.19 (Quite Universal Circuit Simulator) and while it is
mostly qt4 there are some dependencies still on the qt4-q3support library
(-lQt3Support) and the associated include files (-I$QT4_PATH/Qt3Support).

oh dago after re-re-re-reading the message i think the message is partly
directed at me and also partly at peter or (current) qt4 maintainer.

with respect to qt4, i've looked at trying to build it (qt4) here locally,
a daunting task it seems especially on my antique hardware. and i've never
attempted to get gar installed and functional so it would be a configure
build in any case with opencsw gcc/g++ 4.9.0.

with respect to a 'respin' i'm thinking the changed configure option for the
existing package is either a) deleting the -no-qt3support as the default is
-qt3support or b) explicitly adding -qt3support.

whether this will be a trivial respin without headache is doubtful, as there
must have been a valid reason to override the -qt3support default.  in addition
there will probably be a bit of additional gar configuration needed to package
up the Qt3Support library, include files and anything else that implement
the qt3 support stuff.

thanks for you help



Best regards

  — Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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