I am trying to debug an error in a Opennebula 4.8 installation
in which I am refactoring my hypervisor installation with a
different configuration system.  My test host is giving me this

Error monitoring Host cloudworker1100 (95): Error executing probes

Found one problem that would have stopped it from executing,
and then disabled and enabled host 95 again, but still got the error.
Even deleting and re-adding the host didn't help.
The full complement of scripts is there in /var/tmp/one and
the collectd-client.rb daemon is running.

Is there a way to run the same command that opennebula runs from
the command line so that we can test it and see what the error is?
I can ssh into the node interactively and passwordless as oneadmin, using the same ssh credentials as the oneadmin user/daemon is using.

I am thinking it might be a trouble initializing the system datastore
which is local to the node and should be made when the first VM attempts
to launch.

Steve Timm

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

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