Turns out that you can simulate the function of the active monitoring information probes via

ssh -l oneadmin <nodename>
cd /var/tmp/one/im
./run_scripts kvm

and when I did this, I found that the problem was that my oneadmin
user was missing an extra group ID and didn't have permissions to do
any of the libvirt commands via the libvirt socket.

Steve Timm

On Tue, 3 Feb 2015, Steven Timm wrote:

I am trying to debug an error in a Opennebula 4.8 installation
in which I am refactoring my hypervisor installation with a
different configuration system.  My test host is giving me this

Error monitoring Host cloudworker1100 (95): Error executing probes

Found one problem that would have stopped it from executing,
and then disabled and enabled host 95 again, but still got the error.
Even deleting and re-adding the host didn't help.
The full complement of scripts is there in /var/tmp/one and
the collectd-client.rb daemon is running.

Is there a way to run the same command that opennebula runs from
the command line so that we can test it and see what the error is?
I can ssh into the node interactively and passwordless as oneadmin, using the same ssh credentials as the oneadmin user/daemon is using.

I am thinking it might be a trouble initializing the system datastore
which is local to the node and should be made when the first VM attempts
to launch.

Steve Timm

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

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Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

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