On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Luke Meyer <lme...@redhat.com> wrote:

> It sounds like what he wants is for the router to simply not interfere
> with passing along something that's already returning a 503. It sounds like
> haproxy is replacing the page content with its own in that use case.

THANKS Luke :))
I don't want to change the router, I just want it to point to a specific
service returning 503 for most URLs.
On the other hand, the SAME router is used (with another route) to point to
the production service, with a different URL if we want to test the change.
Imagine a migration from pg 9.4 to 9.5, you have to shutdown your site.
That doesn't mean traffic can't be routed any more, we like to test the
site after the migration, and before resuming all the public traffic.
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