I believe the "queue capacity" there is the number of parallel searches
that can be queued while the existing search workers operate. It sounds
like it has plenty of capacity there and it has a different reason for
rejecting the query. I would guess the data requested is missing given it
couldn't fetch shards it expected to.

The number of shards is a multiple (for redundancy) of the number of
indices, and there is an index created per project per day. So even for a
small cluster this doesn't sound out of line.

Can you give a little more information about your logging deployment? Have
you deployed multiple ES nodes for redundancy, and what are you using for
storage? Could you attach full ES logs? How many OpenShift nodes and
projects do you have? Any history of events that might have resulted in
lost data?

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Alex Wauck <alexwa...@exosite.com> wrote:

> When doing searches in Kibana, I get error messages similar to "Courier
> Fetch: 919 of 2020 shards failed".  Deeper inspection reveals errors like
> this: "EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution (queue capacity
> 1000) on
> org.elasticsearch.search.action.SearchServiceTransportAction$23@14522b8e
> ]".
> A bit of investigation lead me to conclude that our Elasticsearch server
> was not sufficiently powerful, but I spun up a new one with four times the
> CPU and RAM of the original one, but the queue capacity is still only
> 1000.  Also, 2020 seems like a really ridiculous number of shards.  Any
> idea what's going on here?
> --
> Alex Wauck // DevOps Engineer
> *E X O S I T E*
> *www.exosite.com <http://www.exosite.com/>*
> Making Machines More Human.
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