
I'm trying to run jenkins on OpenShift to integrate it nicely with
pipelines and OAUTH. I have done that in the past and it was all working
but I'm trying to reproduce what I used to do before and it simply doesn't
work. I don't know why but from one version to another OpenShift is
becominbg more and more pain.

I was following official blog article
https://blog.openshift.com/openshift-pipelines-jenkins-blue-ocean/ which
used to work however jenkins changed something now and that build simply
doesn't work anymore:
Cloning "https://github.com/siamaksade/jenkins-blueocean.git"; ...
WARNING: timed out waiting for git server, will wait 1m4s
Commit: 70cff8557908b592d291e6ea0b3a018069b61324 (updated README)
Author: Siamak Sadeghianfar <ssade...@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:48:41 2017 +0700
---> Copying repository files ...
---> Installing Jenkins 0 plugins using /opt/openshift/plugins.txt ...
Creating initial locks...
Locking blueocean:1.0.0
Analyzing war...
Downloading plugins...
Downloading plugin: blueocean from
Downloading plugin: blueocean-plugin from
Failed to download plugin: blueocean or blueocean-plugin
Failed to install plugins.
error: build error: non-zero (13) exit code from

Simply because second link drops 404... blueocean-plugin.hpi doesn't exist

I decided OK... I don't need blueocean so I will just go for standard
Jenkins from OpenShift templates. That did install successfuly but when I
click on the link it asks for username and password (on Jenkins screen) so
simply OAUTH doesn't work at all.

The pod has
# oc exec jenkins-1-28l8x env |grep -i auth

it is running but ... yeah how do I integrate it with my pipelines? Any

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